Emmvee is a developer and manufacturer of high performance solar thermal systems as well as
mono- and polycrystalline photovoltaic modules and systems in Bengaluru, the Silicon Valley of India.
Emmvee offers various solar water heating systems and photovoltaic modules and solar applications since 1992
having more than 650 well trained and highly motivated employees all over the world working in the segments of
photovoltaic, solar thermal systems and glass toughening. Its European headquarters are located in Berlin, Germany.
Emmvee Photovoltaic Power Private Limited specializes in distributing photovoltaic modules for on and off-grid
applications as well as standard and customized photovoltaic systems for stand-alone and especially roof top
applications. Emmvee has recently entered the field of MW scale project development and EPC in Europe and in
India. The website www.emmvee.com allows a deeper insight into the company and its business activities.
Photovoltaic (PV) : The physical effect of direct conversion of sunlight to electrical (power)
PV Cell: The smallest element that generates electricity from sun light.
PV Module: A collection of interconnected PV cells, encapsulated between glass & back sheet . This is
a hermetically sealed unit.
String: Multiple PV modules connected in series electrically.
Array: Several strings of PV modules connected in parallels.
Insolation: Is a measure of solar radiation energy received on a given surface area measured in (kWh/
STC “Standard Test Conditions”: Incident Solar Irradiance of 1000 Watts/m2, at a spectral density of
AM1.5 and cell temperature of 25˚C.
Mounting Structure: Structure used to hold modules in place, at desired angle and direction.
Cable: A conductor with one or more strands bound together, used for electrical power.
Efficiency: The ratio of the output to the input of any system.
Junction box: Inputs of several strings are connected to this box and taken as single output
Current: A flow of electricity through a conductor measured in “Amps”.
Voltage: It is the difference of electrical potential between two points of an electrical or electronic
circuit, expressed in “Volts”.
Lightning & Surge Arrestor: Device used to protect all the components from lightning strikes and
voltage Surges.
Earthing: Described as a system of electrical connections to the general mass of earth.
Battery :- Stores DC Electrical power into chemical power & delivers DC Electrical power
Inverter: Electronic equipment for conversion of DC power to conventional AC power.
PCU : (Power conditioning unit) which houses in Charge controller .
Charge Controller : Electronic equipment which monitor & control the charge & discharge of Battery
DC Power : Direct current power –PV Modules converts sunlight into DC power .
AC Power : Alternating current Power.