Special Conditions for Safe Use (X):
1. If the equipment is fitted with an optional 90V transient suppressor, it
is incapable of withstanding the 500V isolation from earth test and this
must be taken into account during installation.
2. The enclosure may be made of aluminum alloy and given a protective
polyurethane paint finish; however care should be taken to protect it
from impact and abrasion when located in Zone 0.
3. The equipment contains thin wall diaphragms. The installation,
maintenance and use shall take into account the environmental
conditions to which the diaphragms will be subjected. The
manufacturer’s instructions for installation and maintenance shall be
followed in detail to assure safety during its expected lifetime.
N7 IECEx Type n
IECEx BAS 08.0046X
IEC60079-0:2011, IEC60079-15:2010
Ex nA IIC T4 Gc (-40 °C ≤ T
≤ +70 °C)
Special Condition for Safe Use (X):
1. If fitted with a 90V transient suppressor, the equipment is not capable
of withstanding the 500V electrical strength test as defined in clause
6.5.1 of IEC60079-15:2010. This must be taken into account during
7.3.4 Brazil
E2 INMETRO Flameproof
UL-BR 14.0375X
ABNT NBR IEC60079-0:2008 + Errata 1:2011, ABNT NBR IEC
60079-1:2009 + Errata 1:2011, ABNT NBR IEC 60079-26:2008 +
Errata 1:2009
Ex db IIC T6...T4 Ga/Gb IP66, T6(-60 °C ≤ T
≤ +70 °C), T4/T5(-60
°C ≤ T
≤ +80 °C)
Special Conditions for Safe Use (X):
1. The device contains a thin wall diaphragm less than 1 mm thickness
that forms a boundary between zone 0 (process connection) and zone
1 (all other parts of the equipment). The model code and datasheet
are to be consulted for details of the diaphragm material. Installation,
maintenance and use shall take into account the environmental
conditions to which the diaphragm will be subjected. The
Quick Start Guide
February 2019
30 Rosemount 2051 Pressure Transmitter and Rosemount 2051CF Series Flowmeter Quick Start Guide