Instruction Manual
DLC3010 Digital Level Controller
Service Tools
May 2018
Compensated Torque Rate
is the torque rate adjusted for process temperature by table data.
At firmware 8 the table is not applied dynamically, so Compensated Torque Rate = Torque Rate.
Upper Fluid Density
is adjusted for process temperature by user-entered table (SG). Upper Fluid Density is not used
when PV is Liquid Level; it represents density of upper process fluid when PV is Interface Level.
Lower Fluid Density
is adjusted for process temperature by user-entered table (SG). Lower Fluid Density represents
the difference between densities of lower and upper process fluids when PV is Liquid Level; it represents Density of
Lower Fluid when PV is Interface Level.
Signal Tracing
menu can help isolate configuration issues by using variable help and/or the signal block diagram
(provided in hosts that can present images), to work through the math.
Zero Reference Angle
is the lever angle used as a reference point in PV calculation (deg). It represents the lowest
measurable process condition when PV is Liquid Level; it represents the dry displacer condition when PV is Interface
Level or Liquid Density.
If the driver rod is on the lower travel stop at dry condition, use Liquid Level as the PV and the difference between densities of lower
and upper process fluids for Lower Fluid Density.
Driver Rod Length
is the recorded driver length (in).
Mechanical Gain
is the mechanical gain of the sensor (lbf/deg).
= CompensatedTorqueRate / DriverRod
Displacer Weight
is the recorded weight (lb).
Dry Deflection
is the theoretical torque tube deflection from zero load for dry displacer (deg).
= DisplacerWeight * DriverRod / CompensatedTorqueRate
Displacer Volume
is the recorded volume (in
Reference Buoyancy
is the theoretical buoyant force (lb) generated when the displacer is completely covered with
water (SG = 1)
= DisplacerVolume * ReferenceDensity
Displacer Length
is the recorded length (in).
Level Offset
is the Primary Variable value you want the instrument to report when physical level is at the bottom of
displacer. Unless you want the digital range to start at the vessel zero reference or the process set point, use zero for
this value. Level Offset is available only in Level or Interface mode. It is read-only in display and may be edited in the
'Set Level Offset' menu item.
are dynamic values of intermediate calculations in the PV signal path.
Sensor Rotation
is the measurement of the pilot shaft rotation, referenced to the neutral (locked) position of the
lever assembly, (deg).