Stream 4M* and 6M* compressors must be equipped with the correct accessories, according to
Emerson documentation and considering the application intended. Make sure this requirement is
met before start-up.
Bolt torque settings are listed in
Appendix 2
With the exception of rubber-coated metallic gaskets (Wolverine) all gaskets should be oiled before
fitting. O-rings should also be oiled.
A compressor should never be operated beyond its approved application range!
Check by consulting the appropriate data sheet. To avoid motor damage, NEVER start the
compressor or carry out high-potential testing when the compressor is under vacuum.
5.6 Minimum run time
Emerson recommends a maximum of 10 starts per hour. The most critical consideration is the
minimum run time required to return oil to the compressor after start-up. The minimum on time
becomes the time required for oil lost during compressor start-up to return to the compressor sump.
Cycling the compressor for a shorter period than this, for instance to maintain very tight temperature
control, will result in progressive loss of oil and damage to the compressor.
5.7 Recommended inverter range
Stream compressors are released for inverter applications. However the operation of 4M* and 6M*
compressors with A2L refrigerants, eg, R454C, R455A and R454A and variable frequency has not
been officially qualified at this time.
Over a frequency range the compressor system combination can have frequency bands with higher
vibration. The degree of vibration and frequency bands are highly dependent on the system. To help
reduce these vibration levels rubber mounting could be used on all inverter-driven compressors.
Active oil management should be used for all inverter-driven compressors.