Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
VA-DC-000-1878 Rev. 0
December 2020
Section 5: Module Removal and Installation
Module Removal and Installation
The spring cartridge "pre-load" must be removed before spring cartridge assembly
(5 - 10) is removed from housing (1 - 10). Refer to steps 5.3.4 through 5.3.6 for
spring cartridge "pre-load" removal.
Remove breather assembly (12) from outer end cap (3 - 80) port “B”.
Do not exceed maximum pressure. The maximum pressure to be applied in step 5.3.9
is 25 psig.
Apply pneumatic pressure, not to exceed the maximum as indicated in the above
“CAUTION”, to the pressure inlet port “B” of outer end cap (3 - 80) to move the
spring cartridge tension rod hex nut out of its cast hex seat.
If pneumatic pressure is not available to apply to the pressure inlet port “B” located in outer
end cap (3 - 80) then remove pipe plug (3 - 120) or if equipped with an extended stop (ES)
remove the ES. Using a long rod go through the outer end cap pipe plug or ES vacant port
hole and push on the piston rod to move the spring cartridge tension rod hex nut out of its
cast hex seat.
Unscrew the spring cartridge tension rod from the drive module. The tension rod
can be rotated for removal by going through the open end of spring cartridge
assembly with a square male drive extension.
Remove hex cap screws (5 - 20) with lock washers (5 - 30) from housing (1 - 10).
Remove spring cartridge assembly (5 - 10) from actuator housing (1 - 10).
Do not cut spring cartridge assembly. Under no circumstances should the spring cartridge
assembly (5-10) be cut apart, as the spring is pre-loaded, and the spring cartridge is a
weld assembly.