Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
VA-DC-000-1878 Rev. 0
December 2020
Section 2: Actuator Disassembly
Actuator Disassembly
Section 2: Actuator Disassembly
General Disassembly
Dangerous gas and/or liquids. It is possible, that the actuator may contain a dangerous
gas and/or liquid. Ensure that all proper measures have been taken to prevent exposure or
release of these types of contaminants before commencing any work.
Section 2 - Actuator Disassembly is written to either completely disassemble
the entire actuator or can be used to disassemble individual modules as needed
(pneumatic power module or drive module).
Do not remove compressed module. Do not remove spring module while spring
is compressed.
When the spring module is to be removed it should be removed from the drive
module prior to the pneumatic power module removal or disassembly.
The pneumatic power module can be disassembled while still attached to the drive
module or the pneumatic power module can be removed from the drive module
and disassembled separate to the actuator (refer to Section 5 - Module Removal
and Installation).
To ensure correct reassembly; that is, with pneumatic power module or spring
module on same end of drive module as was prior to disassembly, mark or tag
right (or left) and mark mating surfaces.
For spring module removal and installation refer to Section 5, steps 5.3 and 5.4.
Use a means of capturing the hydraulic fluid that will be lost during the removal or
disassembly of the override power module. Use a bucket, tub, or large container, etc.