18. “mA Outputs”
This menu allows to configure mA current otputs for pH, Temperature channels and PID mA mode. Options to set are:
(selectable between 0-20 or 4-20 mA current output)
Max mA:
maximum probe’s reading value at 20 mA current
Min mA:
minimum probe’s reading value at 0 or 4 mA current
Disable / Enable on alarm:
enable or disable output on alarm condition (flow, level, probe failure, dosage, out of range)
Note: The outputs available for the PID mA are those set in the menu SETPOINT.
PID outputs will be always disbled during an alarm condition
Rotate wheel to move within all 3 channels. Click wheel to selecte parameter and rotate wheel to change it. Click
wheel again and rotate wheel to move cursor on next parameter.To end procedure move cursor on “EXIT” and press
wheel to proceed to “Save” request screen. Move wheel on “YES” to save or “NO” to discard changes.