Communications & Display
Q25543 print total key subroutine
2200, g13
A subroutine used by the print total key macro.
Q25544 settings subroutine
2300, g13
A subroutine used by the print settings macro.
Q25545 macros subroutine
2400, g13
A subroutine used by then print settings macro.
Q25546 heading subroutine
2500, g13
A subroutine used by the several macros to identify the unit on the printout.
Q25547 information subroutine
2600, g13
A subroutine used by several macros to print information about the system.
Q25548 user subroutine 1
2700, g13
This macro is not used by default, and is free for the user to use.
Q25549 user subroutine 2
2800, g13
This macro is not used by default, and is free for the user to use.
Event Macros
Q25551 print continuous macro
1700, g13
This macro runs when the print continuous rate is not set to off.
Q25552 power up macro
1800, g13
This macro runs each time the controller powers up.
Q25553 times to print
1400, g13
This macro sets the times of the day and week when the print at times macro is run. This macro con-
tains a list of times and optionally days of the week. Examples of how it may be set follows.
print at times macro runs
0:00 8:00 12:00 20:00
At midnight, 8am, midday and 8pm
9:00 15:00 M-F; 12:00 SA
At 9am & 3pm Monday to Friday and 12pm Saturday
At half past the hour, every hour
Time specifications are separated with a space or comma (,). A semicolon (;) is used to separate a
group of specifications. The days of the week are identified using the following letters M, TU, WE, TH,
F, SA, SU. Upper or lower case letters may be used.
Q25554 print at times macro
1500, g13
This macro runs at the times specified by the times to print macro.
Q25555 capture weight macro
3000, g13
This macro is run when an input set to the capture weight function is activated.
Q25556 event macro
3100, g13
This macro runs when any change is detected in the following registers. Control1, Control2, Control3,
Status1, Status2, Status3 or IOx. (see the ‘I/O Function Table’ in the ‘Instruction Manual’). This corre-
sponds to the Input & Output Function 0 through 111. Exceptions to this are changes on the pulse
input and/or pulse output bits 0, 96 & 104 when they are used.
In the macro, the IF_EVENT ‹condition› can be used to select an event to react to. The argument
‹condition› refers to the input/output function 0 to 111.
Q25557 print settings macro
1600, g13
This is the macro run when the print settings & macros is set.
Q25558 at 1Hz macro
1900, g13
This is the macro runs continuously every second.
Q25559 at 10Hz macro
2900, g13
This is the macro runs continuously 10 times per second.
These macros run at various points through the batching process.
Display (MD1,MD2,MP1,MP2)
Operator menu 1 locks
These settings allow operator menu items to be locked.
These settings allow functions assigned to the number keys to be locked (ie password protected, locked
out entirely or confirmation of the action requested).
lock function
Never locked
A pass code is required before the key may be used
The key is always locked and cannot be used
Confirmation of the key action is requested