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4. Operating instruction
Fill tank with water and connect power connector with main source. For eff icient cleaning of
your goods we recommend to use certain of our cleaning adders (please refer to below listing of
cleaning adders). For the cleaning of looking glasses and prothesis please use the inlet
basket (2).
By pushing the ON switch (1) the cleaning operation can be started. The duration of cleaning
depends on the kind of dirt on the goods to be cleaned. When operating a green LED lights up
and indicates the operation of the equipment. After approx. 7 minutes the equipment stops
automatically. If you wish to stop the equipment earlier please push the OFF switch.
After termination of the cleaning remove cleaned goods from the tank and shortly wash them up
under running water in order to remove dirt particles which may still stick to the goods.
After termination of the one or more cleaning cycles it is recommended to empty the tank, to
wash up the tank and to dry it with a cloth. Please make sure that no water can penetrate into
the equipment through the slots in the bottom of the equipment.
Please, note that when the tank is f illed with fresh water - depending on the degree of hardness
of the water - a certain operating time for the out gazing of the water shall be considered. The
best efficiency is achieved when using out gazed or distilled water.
If no distilled water is available, please operate the equipment filled with water for approx. 5 to
10 minutes before putting goods in for cleaning.
5. examples of goods to be cleaned with an ultrasonic bath
• Jewelery, looking glasses, components of hearing aids
• Indian ink pens, drawing equipments and accessories
• Dentures, prothesis, braces
• Razor heads, precision engineering parts, weapon parts, cartridges, springs
6. cleaning adders
For the individual items to be cleaned individual cleaning adders are available which make
cleaning more intensive and efficient . You can buy these cleaning adders from the source
where you have bought your equipment , or you may buy it under www.emag-germany.de.
We recommend for the individual applications the following highly concentrated adders:
eM 070
- for dental applications in laboratories, or at home, 1%
eM 080
- looking glasses, jewellery, indian ink pens, ball heads, small tools and
instruments, small precision engineering parts, razor heads etc.
(except contact lenses)
eM 100
- de-oxidation concentrate for silver
eM 200
- Desinfection concentrate for instruments etc. , 1%
eM 300
- Super plus - extreme cleaner for difficult cases (i.e. settings, sockets,
shells, weapon parts, brass), 1%
eM 303
- Super, cleaner for printed circuit boards, 1 to 5 %
eM 404
- special cleaner for aluminum and cast iron (carburator, motors etc.), 1 to 5%
if above adders are used please observe application notes!
If cleaning adders of other manufacturers are used we cannot take any liability for the cleaned
goods. For detailed information you can contact us at any time.
1. produktbeskrivelse
1. ON/OFF - Start/Stopp av rengjøringsprosessen
2. Innsatskurv
3. Lokk
2. tekniske data
Innhold (L)
Karets indre mål (mm)
Lengde / Bredde / Dybde
165 / 88 / 48
Strømforsyning (V)
Effektbehov (ca.)
30 W bei 42kHZ
7 min.
Vi forbeholder oss retten til å foreta tekniske endringer!
3. viktige informasjoner
• Ultralyd-rengjøringsapparatet må kun drives med den nettspenningen som
er nevnt på typeskiltet på apparatets underside.
• Ultralyd-rengjøringsapparatet er ikke egnet for kontinuerlig drift.
• Ultralyd-rengjøringsapparatet må kun drives når det fylt på nok
vann: ca. ¾ oppfylling av karet, dvs. vannpåfylling til ca. 1 cm fra karets øvre kant.
• Det er normalt at karets øvre kanter varmes opp ved lengre tids drift.
sta.indd 9
06.03.2008 11:47:09 Uhr