WB-2P-LR5. User manual
Some URL parameters might be omitted. For example, configuration file may be specified in the following format:
If the system is unable to extract the necessary file downloading parameters (protocol, server address or path to
file on server) from configuration file or firmware file URL, it will attempt to extract an unknown parameter from
DHCP Option 43 (Vendor specific info) or 66 (TFTP server) and 67 (Boot file name), when address obtaining via
DHCP is enabled for the Internet service (DHCP option format and analysis will be provided below). If the system
is unable to extract missing parameter from DHCP options, default value will be used:
For protocol: tftp;
For a server address: update.local;
For a configuration file name wb-2p-lr5.cfg;
For a firmware file name wb-2p-lr5.fw.
Thus, if the
'Configuration File'
'Firmware File'
fields are left empty, options 43 or 66, 67 with the location of
these files will not be received via DHCP — the URL of the configuration file will look like:
and the firmware file URL:
2.If 'DHCP options' value is selected, configuration file and firmware file URLs will be extracted from DHCP Option
43 (Vendor specific info) or 66 (TFTP server) and 67 (Boot file name), thus, address obtaining via DHCP should be
enabled for the Internet service (DHCP option format and analysis will be provided below). If URL parameters are
not provided by DHCP options, default parameters values will be used:
For protocol: tftp;
For a server address: update.local;
For a configuration file name wb-2p-lr5.cfg;
For a firmware file name wb-2p-lr5.fw.
Option 43 format (Vendor specific info)
1 – TR-069 autoconfiguration server address code;
2 – «Provisioning code» parameter specification code.
3 – code of the username for TR-069 server authorization;
4 – code of the password for TR-069 server authorization;
5 – server address code; server address is specified in URL format:
. The first
version represents TFTP server address, the second version – HTTP server address;
6 – configuration file name code;
7 – firmware file name code;
8 – a code of VLAN tag for management;
«|» – mandatory separator used between codes and suboption values.
Algorithm of identification for configuration file and firmware file URL parameters from DHCP Options 43 and
66, 67.
DHCP exchange initialization
Device initializes DHCP exchange after the startup.