66 RG-5400 Subscriber router
‘User VLAN’ submenu
User VLAN is described by VLAN identifier which network traffic is transferred transparently from the
device WAN interface to LAN with the consequent tag removal in LAN. I.e. when the user VLAN is enabled, the
device initializes a network bridge between WAN port and specific LAN ports; at that, on the WAN side the
traffic is sent/received with the specified VLAN identifier which is removed on the LAN side.
shows the current VLAN status (enabled/disabled);
Service name –
user VLAN name;
VLAN identifier;
Interfaces –
list of LAN ports mapped to the current user VLAN
The device allows you to configure up to 4 uses VLANs. To open VLAN settings for editing, click one of
the links
Enable –
when selected, user VLAN is enabled. If you try to disable a user VLAN with one or
multiple LAN ports mapped to it, these LAN ports will be mapped to the Internet service;
Service name –
arbitrary name, associated with the current user VLAN;
VLAN identification number, may take values from 1 to 4095; should not match VLAN
identifiers for other services;
802.1P –
802.1P marker (another name: CoS – Class of Service), assigned to the outgoing IP
packets from this interface. It may take values from 0 (the lowest priority) to 7 (the highest
priority). Utilized by QoS algorithms;