* Elson Lead Free copper alloy products are 99.9% Lead Free and contain less than 0.1% Lead by weight.
GAS - Jointing Instructions
99.9% Lead Free
< 0.1% Pb
• Ensure that only EPS compatible jaws are used to match
the tool. Check the jaw matches the diameter of the EPS
PEX-AL pipe and EPS Crimp gas fittings.
• Inspect and test all tools prior to use to ensure they are
functioning properly.
• Visually inspect all tools and jaws to ensure they are clean,
dry, free of dust, dirt, grit and corrosion.
• It is a requirement to check every crimped joint with the
crimp gauge by passing the crimp gauge over copper ring
to ensure proper crimping function.
• If the battery warning light comes on or any detection of
incomplete crimping occurs you must change the battery
immediately, check the joint with a crimp gauge and re-
crimp as necessary.
• If the crimping tool does not fully compress or the jaws
do not flully close, release the trigger, actuate the retract
slide, check the tool then re-crimp the joint and check with
the crimp gauge to ensure conformance.
Jointing Procedure:
• Cut the pipe straight and
square using EPS pipe cutters.
Check for any damage t o t
he pipe inc luding any sur
fa c e damage, cuts, scores,
abrasion, kinks, splits, heat
damage. Re-cut or replace
and remove any physically
damaged pipe.
• Round and debur the
end of the pipe using the
specific sized EPS Crimp
Gas manual calibrating tool.
Insert the calibrating tool
completely into the end
of the pipe with a twisting action and rotate 2-3 full turns.
Remove all swarf from outside and inside the pipe.