* Elson Lead Free copper alloy products are 99.9% Lead Free and contain less than 0.1% Lead by weight.
99.9% Lead Free
< 0.1% Pb
Ring Mains/Recirculating Hot Water Systems
If not configured correctly, the entire plumbing system may
have a dramatically reduced service life.
Recirculating Hot Water Systems or Ring Mains minimise the
time it takes to get hot water to reach an appliance or outlet. It
is also known that the continuous flow of water with exposure
to high temperatures and high velocity makes this a very
extreme and demanding application, whether using copper,
Pex, or other piping materials.
To ensure system service life is maximised and to cater for
the performance tolerances of heat sources, the following
installation and water quality guidelines must be followed on
any circulating hot water systems using EPS plumbing system
in order to maintain the product warranty.
Maximum pressure within the ring mains / recirculating hot
water systems must be limited 500kPa (as per AS/NZ 3500).
Maximum water temperature must not exceed 60°C.
The pipe work design and recirculating pumps must be
sized to limit the water velocity to the requirement of AS/
NZS 3500 for non-metallic piping. Where copper pipe is part
of the installation, the velocity restrictions for this material is
extremely critical and must not be exceeded.
A timer controlled recirculation pump must be used with a
maximum circulation time of 12 hours per 24-hour period. All
pipe work should be insulated and the recirculating pump must
be thermostatically controlled, to further reduce stress on the
system and minimise energy consumption.
The system layout of pipework and fittings should be designed
with long wide sweeping pipe bends with limited use of fittings.
Water quality - Australian city potable water reticulation
systems as defined in the Australian Drinking Water