Keeping your laptop up to date
Microsoft Windows is constantly being updated with programs and patches
that keep your software up to date with the most modern technology and
protects you from any recent security threats. Your laptop will automatically
scan for any updates each time you connect to the internet however you can
manually check this by going to
Start>All Programs>Windows Update
following the on screen instructions.
Protecting your computer.
There are many ways for you to protect your computer from malicious
There are many different kinds of anti-virus however if you connect your laptop
to the internet or a network it is highly recommended that you install antivirus
software. Anti-virus protects your from viruses and malware that can
potentially damage, corrupt or disable your laptop or ‘spread’ the virus to
other computers. You should also regularly update this software to keep you
protected from any newly discovered threats, and perform regular system
scans of your system.
Windows Firewall
A Firewall helps protect your computer from hackers who might try to delete
information, crash your computer or even steal your passwords or credit card
numbers. Make sure your firewall is always turned on. Windows XP comes with
Windows Firewall automatically turned on.
There are other Firewalls available which can provide additional protection
depending on your usage. A simple search on the internet will provide many
option, however, please note that these may be chargeable.
When browsing the internet you may pick up some unwanted admirers in the
form of Spyware. Spyware may track some of your activities and pass this
information to external sources. Anti-Spyware software is recommended to
ensure your privacy.