AM852 Veterinary Anaesthesia machine User’ Manual
The value of pressure gauge should not drop more than 0.3kPa within 20s,
if it is over this limit, that indicates gas leakage, the troubleshooting process
should be made.
4. Test the APL valve
Close the APL valve completely.
Set the flowrate of O2 to 3L/min.Close other gases and ensure that the value
of airway pressure do not over 7.5kPa. Certain pressure fluctuation is
normal circumstance.
Open the APL valve completely.
Ensure the value of airway pressure do not over 0.5kPa.
Press the O
flush button and ensure that the value of airway pressure is
nearly 0.
If there were foreign bodies in respiration system, these will jam the gas
follow to the animal, this may cause injury or death to the animal Ensure
that there is no test plug or other foreign bodies in system.
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