For best results, please read and follow all directions carefully.
1. Avoid exposure to weather. Product carton is not waterproof. Carton exposed to rain or
snow may result in accumulated water penetrating the back laminates of the shower
pan and soak the glassed in reinforcement supports causing bulges in the gel coat
Most handling damage is the result of impact blows to the back of the fiberglass units.
Never drag this fiberglass product on any surface. Always carry the pan or use a two
wheel dolly.
Never drop the fiberglass shower pan from any height, not even an inch or stress cracks
are likely to occur.
Placing objects inside the unit can cause scratches or nicks to the finished surface. Do
not use the shower pan as a trash receptacle! Always place a drop cloth or cardboard
on the floor when working inside the shower.
Never clean fiberglass gel coat surface with metal tools of any kind, including razor
Unit will not install properly if framing pocket is not square and of proper size. The
dimensions shown in the FRAMING DIAGRAMS are 1/4" larger than the size of the shower. This
product is manufactured to tight specifications. The 1/4" over sizing is for maneuvering and
installation ease. If 1/4" over is not reasonable, sizing closer to the product actual dimensions
is allowable. When trial fitting the shower, use a level to confirm the parts are level and
plumb. If any gaps are present between the shower and framing, use furring strips to fill the
gaps. If the walls and floor are not level, there may be an excessive gap at the seams. The
unit is designed to allow an 1/8" gap at the seams.
1. Review the Framing Diagrams in Figure 1. Modify existing framing if required. For new
construction, build framing structure in accordance with product dimensions and notes
shown in the Framing Diagrams. The two wall Framing Diagram is for the 6060 3P two wall
shower only.
2. The shower base will be installed, leveled, and fastened to the framing before the walls
are installed. It is essential the framing pocket be square and plumb for the unit to install
properly. The floor also must have no voids or out of level conditions. If these are present,
they must be corrected before installation. Floor leveling compound can be purchased
at a local home improvement store. Make sure the area is completely dry.
Planning your Installation
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