User MP500/xx
The screens for the control panel programming consists of three sections.
Section 1:
at the top; includes the title and two buttons to save the mask data and print the mask.
Section 2:
in the central part; consists in two tables, one containing the data of the selected screen (which cannot be edited by the
user) and another containing the data of the selected line on the main table for the changes.
Certain masks feature filters on data displayed and to be set, to facilitate the use of the mask for control panel configuration.
To help you with partition association, a new mode that allows the direct association to areas (thus to all partitions belonging to the
area) has been developed. At the opening of a screen, standard association mode is showed.
The status of the buttons related to the partitions reflects the association: if the button is highlighted the related partition is
associated, otherwise, if the button IS NOT highlighted the related partition IS NOT associated. To associate a partition simply
press the related button that will change its status from not highlighted to highlighted.
Similarly, to remove an association simply press the button related to the partition that will change its status from highlighted to not
To show the name of a partition simply point the mouse cursor over the related button and wait the appearance of the label.