Design, Assembly and Service Manual
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Electromagnetic flowmeter FLONET FN50xx.1
ELIS PLZEN a. s., Lucni 425/15, 301 00 Plzen, Czech Republic, Phone: +420/377 517 711, fax: +420/377 517 722
3.1. General
The electromagnetic flowmeter consists of a sensor through which the measured liquid flows and an
electronic unit where the low-level signal from the sensor is modified to a standardized form suitable for
further processing in various industrial electronic devices. The output signal is proportional to the volume
flow rate of the measured liquid. The only factor limiting the application of electromagnetic flowmeters is the
requirement that the measured liquid shall be conductive and non-magnetic. The electromagnetic flowmeter
can be designed as a compact or remote device. The meter sensor is with different type of lining (hard
rubber, soft rubber and special hard rubber for drinking water, PTFE or E-CTFE), with electrodes from
different material and in flanged or wafer (flangeless) version.
Cold meters always must be in a remote design
The reason is a risk of moisture condensation inside of the cooled electronic unit in a compact design that
can be caused by drawing in a surrounding air.
Flow meters for heat meters in a compact design may have a sensor with a prolonged chimney (made of
stainless material). Such a sensor can measure media with temperatures
up to 150ºC provided that the
sensor and pipeline are thermally insulated and the ambient temperature doesn’t exceed 60ºC.
When choosing a sensor for cold or heat measurement, physical parameters of lining must be taken into
– see 4.1.4 Selection of flow sensor lining
3.2. Meter design
Compact design solution for a flangeless sensor and associated electronic unit
Compact design solution for a flanged sensor with associated electronic unit