Heating Cables
It is also necessary to heat the floor drain (drain
age) in order to ensure the outflow of water origi
nating from snow melting. For this, use ELEKTRA
VCD25 heating cable as well.
The heating circuit should be connected to the
power source in the electric board of the drive-
way, so that it is switched on simultaneously
with the remaining heating circuits.
Concrete surfaces
Concrete surfaces require expansion joints.
Unreinforced concrete slabs should be divided
into expanded areas of the surface no larger than
100 ft
(9 m
), reinforced concrete flagstones into
areas no larger than 375 ft
(35 m
). The length
of the heating cables should be selected so that
they do not cross the expansion joints. Only the
power supply conduits (“Cold Tails”) can cross
the expansion joints. The Cold Tails are installed
in a metal protective conduit of the length of
approx. 7.75” (50 cm).
Unreinforced concrete surfaces
Stages of works:
• the compacted base is levelled,
• ELEKTRA TME installation tapes or installation
mesh are laid on the compacted base,
the heating cable is fastened to them,
• the concrete slab works follow – stage 4.