Cleaning movements
Clean with hot detergent lye (not suitable for dishwashers)
Clean accessory
Wash with a soft brush in hot detergent lye.
TIP: In cases of stubborn residue use a stainless steel ball (only on
chromium panels!)
In reverse order.
Remove griddle guides
Fit and unhinge griddle guides
While cleaning griddle guides, lamp glass and oven door, ensure no heating elements are switched on.
The oven has to be cooled down so as to be able to touch the central panels safely. Only the oven light must be switched on.
NEVER use high pressure cleaning devices for the oven!
Clean the appliance thoroughly and frequently! Avoid repeated burning of residue.
Cleanemail oven
- Do not use fine steel wool, scratching and scrubbing cleaning agents!
- You can use commercially available oven spray. Observe the manufacturer’s instructions
-> Wash the inside of the oven with warm detergent lye or vinegar cleaner and a sponge/cloth
TIP: Clean chrome parts in the oven with moistened steel ball (available from major distributors); no steel wool!
- Always keep the door seal, door seal surface and the inside clean. Lack of appliance cleanliness can lead to hazardous situations.
- no aggressive/acidic or
glass-ceramics cleaning agent
- no steel wool / pot cleaner
- Only wash inside panel with hot detergent
- Soak severe residue
- Keep rubber seals clean and do not damage!
Do not graze glass interior with a knife, scotch brite etc
Control panel + oven door
Cleaning and care
No rotating movements
when cleaning, as surfaces
will be damaged!
TIP: Clean with a soft, clean, moist micro-fibre cloth!!
TIP: Clean griddle guides with brush in a hot detergent lye or with steel ball
Clean bottom glass after each use with a soft brush in hot detergent or in dishwater.
For stubborn dirt soak in hot lye, possibly use glass scraper
- If necessary a commercially available
chromium steel cleaner can be used ->
Observe manufacturer’s instructions in
using these cleaning agents!
Alulook outside surfaces:
Outside surfaces chromium steel smoothed:
Subject to technical modifications
No microwave operation on bottom glass!
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