The appliance will turn-off automatically after 3 minute of non-use.
If you prefer to turn it off manualy, press the button “INICIAR” (E) during 2 seconds.
Saving and reading the values
This appliance has 4 groups of memory (A, B, C and D), with a capacity to store 30 records per group.
It is possible to save the records from 4 different users.
If you intend to manualy save the obtained values, proceed on the following way:
After the measuring values appear on the LCD display (A), press buttons “+” (C) or “-” (D) to choose the intended memory group
(A, B, C and D), and press button “MODO” (B) to select the group.
If you intend to read the saved values, proceed on the following way:
Press button “MODO” (B), then the buttons “+” (C) or “-” (D) to select the intended group and the press button “MODO” (B) to
select that group (see Fig. 9). Press “+” (C) or “-” (D) to accede the group’s records (see fig. 10).
Note: each group has the capacity to store 30 records. In making the 31st measurement, the 1st value saved will be automatically
deleted, being replaced by the new obtained value. This happens regardless of the other groups still have available free memories.
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
Fig. 9
Fig. 10