Operating Instructions
Creating send objects
The send objects serve to address Easywave receivers from the KNX bus.
Altogether 32 send objects are available in the gateway. Each object can send out an
Easywave serial number with up to four different keycodes depending on the selected
Evaluation of the transmitted send codes is done by the Easywave receivers depending
on their selected operating mode.
The send objects are divided into four groups (A, B, C and D). Each group contains
eight send channels to which one function each can be assigned.
Only send group A is activated by default. If more send functions are required, further
groups must be activated in the menu "Send groups".
As soon as a send group was set to "Utilise" in the menu item "Send groups",, this
appears as a new parameter setting option in the parameter dialog:
After activation of an additional send group, this is displayed in the configuration menu,
however the eight functions of the group are set to "No utilisation". So in order to add
additional group objects, these must be assigned a function first.
The send objects can be programmed to one of the following operating modes. The
operating mode set here should correspond to the operating mode of the addressed
1-button operation (A, B, C, D)
2-button operation (A/B,C/D)
3-button operation (A/C, B/C)
Deadman (A, B, C, D)