© Elcom Ltd.
8.1 Information and error messages
If it is necessary to inform the operator about the current status of ECR, or the ECR enters an error state,
the following information are displayed by means of the following information and error messages:
Unexpected entry. Incorrect key sequence entry.
Wrong ECR parameters setting.
The item was not sold.
The maximum item number in one sale was reached (30), or maximum line num-
ber in one receipt was reached.
Max. multiplication amount 10 000 overflow.
DPT or PLU flag setting does not allow you to use the preprogrammed price.
The max. VAT amount overflows in a particular VAT level from the last daily report.
Perform daily (total) report.
Press SUBTOTAL button.
It is not allowed to perform this operation to returnable packs.
PLU flag does not allow to sale this PLU.
DPT or PLU is assigned to inactive VAT level.
The programmed item price is zero.
It is necessary to enter the amount of customer cash before sale termination.
Split pricing forbidden.
Sale amount reached the maximum. Terminate the sale.
HALO limit over.
Check DPT or PLU flag.
It is not possible to apply add-on or discount to returnable pack.
Incorrect date entry.
DPT or PLU flag disables open price.
Not used.
Add-on or discount preprogrammed limit over. Check the preprogrammed system
Decimal places limit over.
The sale through this DPT is disabled.
It is not possible to apply add-on or discount to negative amount.
Void was performed in incorrect part of sale.
Not used.
Grandtotals overflow. Perform daily report and periodical report. Call your service
The performed operation could cause the GT negative amount.
The illegal payment if two currencies are used.
The illegal Euro currency stage.
The performed operation caused negative Grandtotal.