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Manual_ECC_PRESS_AIR_Release 1.5.docx / 13.06.2017
5 Cell Assembly
The test cell can either be operated in 2-electrode or 3-electrode (reference)
configuration. In the following, the cell assembly is described for operation with a
lithium metal reference electrode.
Generally, all assembly steps are to be carried out in inert glove box atmosphere,
and all components used are to be dried upfront in a vacuum oven at 80°C for at
least 12 hours. The pressure sensor together with the transfer line may remain
permanently attached to the stand.
In order to operate the test cell with a reference, the small feed-through hole of the
REF sleeve is to be loaded with the reference material, usually metallic lithium. The
vertical position of the reference is determined by the thickness of the components.
Make sure that the electrodes
and separator used have the
appropriate thickness to avoid
a short circuit between the
reference and anyone of the
two other electrodes. The
smaller (inside) diameter of
the reference bore is 0.3 mm.
Assembly Steps:
Make sure that the siphon is properly attached to the cell lid. For this purpose,
plug the siphon into the cell lid with the siphon side bore pointing to the gas
outlet port in the lid. Then attach the tube (transfer line) to the gas outlet port
so that the tube end fits into the side bore and thus holds the siphon in place.
Pick up a small piece of lithium by a metal wire, and press the lithium into the
feed-through hole of the REF sleeve until the lithium just arrives at the inner
face of the sleeve. Note that significant force has to be applied to achieve that.
A special REF loading tool is available for this purpose (not included).
Close the side opening of the cell base with the provided plug. This plug is
later on replaced by the reference pin.
Assemble the two-part WE piston with the perforated current collector pointing
Insert the WE piston into the sleeve with the perforated current collector
pointing upwards.
Put the 18 mm diameter gas diffusion electrode onto the piston inside the
Lower Electrode
Upper Electrode
Lower Electrode
Upper Electrode
Lower Electrode
Upper Electrode
0.9 mm
Lower Electrode
Upper Electrode
Lower Electrode
Upper Electrode
Lower Electrode
Upper Electrode
Lower Electrode
Upper Electrode
0.9 mm