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Manual_ECC_PRESS_AIR_Release 1.5.docx / 13.06.2017
9 Software Installation (DL option)
The ECC-Press-Air-DL features an integrated USB data logger for recording cell
pressure, temperature, cell potentials and current. The software installation
on a
PC is described below.
a. You must be logged into an account with Administrator privileges.
b. Save your work and close down all active programs.
c. On the installation CD, run X:\setup. This will install the EC-Link data
logger software. Follow any instructions that may appear on your screen.
d. Once installation is finished plug in the provided USB cable into both the
host PC and the ECC-Press-DL controller box.
e. Launch the data logger software if not already done.
f. After a few seconds, the data logger software should report a valid
connection and you are ready to start the measurement.
Additional information on the EC-LINK software can be found in the EC-LINK Quick
Start Guide.