3.5.16 via the ramp:
Only known ramp was allowed to go through. While the
ramp should be clean, non-slip, and the vehicle technical specification includes
the ramp. The goods on the forks must face uphill. It is forbidden to turn back,
move diagonally or park on the ramp. The driver must slow down when going
through the ramp, and prepare to brake at any time.
3.5.17 ground load:
Remember to check the load pressure of the body weight or
wheels on the ground does not exceed the capacity of the ground, when the
vehicle is in operation.
3.5.18 Vehicle Change:
any possible changes or modifications for rated load,
stability or safe operation of the vehicle, must obtain prior written approval from
origin manufacturers or its successor. After vehicle manufacturer check and
approve the changes, nameplates, labels and markings of Operation and
Maintenance Manual must be modified as well.
IV. Maintenance and Service Manual
4.1 Repair and maintenance of safety procedures
Maintenance technician:
The maintenance and service should only be
performed by special personnel trained by the manufacturer. After the
technician sent by after-sales department of the manufacturer completed
maintenance and servicing work, they should sign on the service log.
Cleaning Operation:
Flammable liquid cannot be used for cleaning the forklift.
Before cleaning, take safety precautions to prevent electric sparks (e.g. sparks
caused by short circuit). When operating the accumulator, connectors on it must
be disconnected. Use soft air suction or compressed air, non-conductive and anti-
static brushes to clean electric and electronic components.
Operation of Electric System:
Operation on the electric system should only be
performed by specially trained personnel. Before performing any operation on
the electric system, precautions must be made to prevent electric shock. When
operating the accumulator, connectors on it must be disconnected.
When repairing or replacing hydraulic components, electric and
electronic components, make sure to install them back to their original positions.