PC6-TANGO • CompactPCI
PlusIO • Intel® Atom™ E39xx Processor (APL-I SoC)
Signal names used herein with an attached '#' designate active low lines.
Trade Marks
Some terms used herein are property of their respective owners, e.g.
Atom™, Apollo Lake (APL): ® Intel
CompactPCI, CompactPCI PlusIO, CompactPCI Serial: ® PICMG
Windows: ® Microsoft
EKF, ekf system: ® EKF
EKF does not claim this list to be complete.
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This manual has been edited as carefully as possible. We apologize for any potential mistake.
Information provided herein is designated exclusively to the proficient user (system integrator,
engineer). EKF can accept no responsibility for any damage caused by the use of this manual.
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