To Remove Switching Mechanism
• Remove LAB 1 O Switch by following the instructions in 12 B.
• Remove four Mounting Screws ® for Switch Mounting Bracket ®, remove Switch Mounting Bracket.
• For fused units, remove Rod Assembly.
• Remove Switching Mechanism Mounting Screws, remove Switching Mechanism @.
To Replace Switching Mechanism
• Slide new Switching Mechanism into place, insert Mounting Screws.
• Torque Mounting Screws to 15-20 lb. - in.
• For fused units, slide Rod Assembly into place.
• Replace Switch Mounting Bracket®, torque Mounting Screws® to 15-20 lb. - in.
• Follow instructions for replacement of LAB10 Switch in 12. B.
To Remove Fuse Cover Assembly
• Follow instructions for removal of LAB10 Switch in 12. B.
• Remove four Mounting Screws ® for Switch Mounting Bracket ®, remove Switch Mounting Bracket.
• Remove Rod Assembly.
• Remove Fuse Cover Assembly Mounting Screws, remove Fuse Cover Assembly.
To Replace Fuse Cover Assembly
• Position new Fuse Cover Assembly in place.
• Replace Fuse Cover Assembly Mounting Screws and torque to 15-20 lb. - in.
• Slide Rod Assembly through opening in Fuse Cover Assembly.
• Engage Rod Assembly onto Switching Mechanism.
• Replace Switch Mounting Bracket ®, torque Mounting Screws ® to 15-20 lb. - in.
• Follow instructions for replacement of LAB 10 Switch in 12. B.
• Referring to "FIGURE C", loosen the three flip cover assembly mounting screws which fasten the flip cover
assembly to the Receptacle Housing ®· Remove the flip cover assembly by carefully lifting it off of the
Receptacle Housing. Retain for future use, if desired.
• Remove one of the five receptacle housing mounting screws. Thread receptacle assembly Screw Cover @ onto
the Receptacle Housing ® until screw cover gasket is firmly seated against the receptacle housing face.
Replace the receptacle housing screw, secure the free end of the Screw Cover chain to housing by passing the
screw through the lug at the end of the chain.
Electrical contacts eventually wear out, due to the amount of use the unit they are installed in experiences or due
to environmental conditions. T he Receptacle Assembly can, therefore, be replaced. T he Receptacle Assemblies
can be replaced with the same type and brand as factory installed. Doing so will not affect the UL listing. Refer
to "TABLE E" for replacement parts.
To Replace Receptacle Assembly
Referring to "FIGURE C", loosen the Load Side Lug Screws (J) of the Disconnect Switch® or Fuse Holder@, if
applicable, and remove wires.
Disconnect and remove wire from Ground Lug @ .
Remove the four (4) Receptacle Assembly Mounting Screws that fasten the assembly to the Housing©
Support the assembly so that it does not fall from unit. Remove Receptacle Assembly.
Replace with the new Receptacle Assembly. Replacing the unit can be accomplished by reversing the steps
needed to remove it. Tighten the four (4) Receptacle Assembly Mounting Screws to 19-25 lb.-in. to secure unit
to housing.
Place the appropriate wires into the correct lug locations and tighten lug screws to the appropriate value shown
in "TABLE C".
• Test the unit for proper function by performing the following tasks:
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With power not being applied to the assembly, close the cover@, insert an appropriate mating plug, and throw
the switch to the "ON" position to make sure that there is no interference between the new Receptacle Assembly
and Switch. If unit functions properly, it can be returned to service. If unit does not function properly, check the
mounting of the Receptacle Assembly to the housing. Do not allow unit to be used until problem is corrected.
Rev. C 07/08/04