Dodge Cummins User Guide
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To manually generate a trace file on FlashScan/AutoCal V3 navigate to Scan Tool
-> F3: Scan Options -> F1: Save Trace.
FlashScan/AutoCal V3 maintains an internal buffer of the most recent messages
sent to and received from the vehicle. That buffer is stored in RAM memory and is
wiped clean each time the device is powered off or rebooted. Therefore you MUST
save the trace file before powering off or rebooting the device.
Trace files are located in the EFILive -> Trace folder on FlashScan/AutoCal V3.
Trace files are named using the following naming convention:
yyyymmdd_hhnnss_<desc>.xalm, where:
yyyymmdd: is the year, month and day that the trace was recorded.
hhnnss: is the hour, minute and second that the trace was recorded.
<desc>: is the description where;
“User” means user generated trace files
“xxx._x_$xxxx” identifies the 3 character controller ID, the
communication process upload/download, and the 4 digit error code.
xalm: is the file extension.
FlashScan V2 Trace Files
Trace files are automatically saved where an error message is presented using the
device in BBX mode. Users can manually save trace files where options do not
perform the desired outcome.
To manually generate a trace file on FlashScan V2 navigate to F1 Scan Tool -> F3
Scan Options -> F1 Save Trace File.
FlashScan V2 maintains an internal buffer of the most recent messages sent to
and received from the vehicle. That buffer is stored in RAM memory and is wiped
clean each time the device is powered off or rebooted. Therefore you MUST save
the trace file before powering off or rebooting the device.
Trace files are located in the Scan folder on FlashScan V2. It will be named
USR_xxxx.efx, where xxxx is the unique file counter number.
AutoCal V2 Trace Files
Provided enough space exists in the [Data] file system of AutoCal V2 trace files
are automatically saved where an error message is presented using the device in
BBX mode. Users can manually save trace files where options do not perform the
desired outcome.
To manually generate a trace file on AutoCal V2 navigate to:
1. AutoCal (standard menu): Save Trace File
2. AutoCal (advanced menu): Scan Tool -> Save Trace File
AutoCal V2 maintains an internal buffer of the most recent messages sent to and
received from the vehicle. That buffer is stored in RAM memory and is wiped clean
each time the device is powered off or rebooted. Therefore you MUST save the
trace file before powering off or rebooting the device.
The trace file will be saved in the Scan folder on the device. It will be named
USR_xxxx.efx, where xxxx is the unique file counter number.