Dodge Cummins User Guide
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4. Use the arrows to navigate between tunes.
5. Press
to make a tune selection.
6. You do not need to reselect the tune once the engine is shut down; the ECM
'remembers' which tune you previously selected.
FlashScan V2
Data Logging
1. Configure FlashScan V2 for BBX features if not already setup.
2. Connect your FlashScan V2 device to your vehicle.
3. Turn the vehicle ignition to the
4. Navigate to the F1 Scan Tool - F1 Select PIDs menu option.
5. Select correct controller type from BBX configured controllers.
6. Navigate to the F1 Scan Tool - F2 Data Logging menu option.
7. Select F1: Record Data to commence the logging session.
8. The LCD will display the elapsed time, frame count and the selected PIDs.
9. A range of options are available while the Log is recording:
1. Select OK to pause/resume the log.
Select F1..F4 or Ctrl+F1..Ctrl+F4 to add “user notes” 1 thru 8 to the log.
3. Select Enter to toggle between Metric and US Customary units.
4. Select the up and down arrows to navigate through selected PIDs.
5. Select Cancel, to stop data logging and save the logged data.
10. Start the vehicle and drive to record actual performance. Do not attempt to
operate a FlashScan/AutoCal device while your vehicle is in motion.
11. Select Cancel on FlashScan V2 to stop data logging and save the log file.
NOTE: When data logging is activated you cannot return to the menu until
logging is stopped.
Read a Controller (CMB and CMC only)
1. Configure FlashScan V2 for BBX features if not already setup.
2. Connect your FlashScan V2 device to your vehicle.
3. Turn the vehicle ignition to the
position. (Vehicle must not be cranked/running
when reading).
4. Navigate to the F2 Tune Tool -> F1 Tuning -> F1 Read Tune menu option.
5. Select correct controller type from BBX configured controllers.
6. Click the OK button to initiate the read operation.
7. While the ECM is reading a Progress bar will display for the user to visually track
the read.
8. When the read process is complete, the saved file name will display. Select OK
to close this message.
9. The Reset Controller notification will be shown, and the controller reset process
will begin.
a. Turn the vehicle ignition Off.
b. Click on the Start button to begin the countdown timer.
c. DO NOT turn the vehicle ignition on until the countdown timer expires.
This time is critical to allow the ECM to perform internal, initialization
functions after a read or flash operation.
License and Flash a Controller
1. Configure FlashScan V2 for BBX features if not already setup.