Dodge Cummins User Guide
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Licensing Requirements
To Flash a Dodge Cummins ECM, the following licensing conditions must be met:
1. The Dodge Cummins Tuning Option must be enabled.
2. A VIN License must be available (if not already licensed).
Dodge Cummins Tuning Option Enabled
To ensure that your device is licensed to tune Dodge Cummins vehicles:
1. Connect your FlashScan or AutoCal device to your PC.
2. Open the EFILive Scan and Tune application.
3. Select the [F7: License] option in the left-hand pane.
4. Select [F2: Hardware] to display Tuning License details.
3. To purchase Tuning Options FlashScan, click on the
Purchase Tuning
License Activation Code(s)
link to order products. NOTE: The Cummins
Tuning Option is included on AutoCal devices, if this is not active, please
contact support.
4. Enter the activation code that was emailed to you and click the Activate button.
VIN Licensing
Each additional vehicle that you tune requires an available VIN license. The
license is allocated during the flashing process. Reflashing the same controller
multiple times using the same FlashScan/AutoCal uses the same license each