Dodge Cummins User Guide
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Such situations may occur if the ECM was flashed with a non-compatible
operating system, or where the failed flash occurred right at the end of the process
but the ECM thinks it completed.
In these situations the ECM is usually only recoverable by forcing the ECM into
ROM Boot Recovery mode. Specialized bench programming equipment, such as
the BenchForce PowerBlock IV with ROM Boot Switch is required to perform this
Tips to recover the ECM using this equipment includes:
1. The ECM must be powered down. (IGN switch off but battery power
2. Hold the ROM Boot switch on.
3. Power the ECM and bench equipment.
4. Attempt to flash the ECM with your recovery file.
5. Once the flash is under way you can turn off the ROM Boot switch.
Test for Rogue Modules
For Customers with FlashScan/AutoCal V3 a range of test modes to check the
network for rogue modules that may cause read or flash operations to abort are
Navigate to the Tune Tool -> F1: Tuning -> F4: Test OBD Network menu.
Select the Test CAN J1979 option for CAN based controllers.
Trace Files
V8 Scan and Tune *.htx files
When V8 Scan and Tune software reads or flashes a controller the details of the
read/flash process may be saved in trace files for diagnostic purposes.
In addition, users can manually save trace files where options do not perform the
desired outcome.
To manually generate a trace file, generate the error in V8 software, then open the
EFILive Control Panel and navigate to [F8: Trace] and select [Save Trace]. Users
can set the trace file and save location during this process.
Automatically generated trace files are created on your PC or laptop in the folder:
\Documents\EFILive\V8\Trace and are named using the following naming
YYYYMMDD: is the year, month and day that the trace was recorded.
HHNNSS: is the hour, minute and second that the trace was recorded.
T: is the mode and is one of
CCC: Is the controller type
htx: is the file extension.
FlashScan/AutoCal V3 *.xalm files
Trace files are automatically saved where an error message is presented using the
device in BBX mode. Users can manually save trace files where options do not
perform the desired outcome, including for pass-thru functions.