Cummins 6.7L CM2350B CSP5
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Trouble Shooting
Should users encounter problems with upgrading to CSP
they should:
Confirm software, firmware and boot block versions match the CSP
2. Confirm CSP
file was upgraded to new operating system number, as
sequenced above.
If you are concerned your device is not switching between tunes, edit your
tunes to see a notable difference (ie Pedal to Desired Fuel table), reflash and
then test.
Also note the EDA data stream has a parameter that indicates which
tune the ECM is running
tune files cannot be read from the ECM.
Error Codes
If an error occurs while using AutoCal, users can look up the error code
description in the EFILive V8 Scan and Tune software.
The [F8: Tools] -> [F8: Error Codes] menu item provides an error code lookup
function, and the
“EFILive Error Codes.pdf” document accessed by selecting the
Windows Start Icon and navigating to Program Files->EFILive->V8->Documents-
>EFILive Error Codes.pdf is also available. Both options provide error code
descriptions, causes and actions.
Should the issue not be resolved after reviewing the Error code list, end users
should contact their Tuner for support.
Test for Rogue Modules
For Customers with FlashScan/AutoCal V3 a range of test modes to check the
network for rogue modules that may cause read or flash operations to abort are
Navigate to the Tune Tool -> F1: Tuning -> F4: Test OBD Network menu.
Select the Test CAN J1979 option.
Trace Files
V8 Scan and Tune *.htx files
When V8 Scan and Tune software reads or flashes a controller the details of the
read/flash process may be saved in trace files for diagnostic purposes.
In addition, users can manually save trace files where options do not perform the
desired outcome.
To manually generate a trace file, generate the error in V8 software, then open the
EFILive Control Panel and navigate to [F8: Trace] and select [Save Trace]. Users
can set the trace file and save location during this process.