Cummins 6.7L CM2350B CSP5
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14. To replay the data log, navigate to the [F3: Data], [F4: Charts], [F5: Gauges] or
[F6: Maps] tab and select the appropriate Playback buttons.
Important note for tuners:
If your CSP
tune does not seem to be switching as expected please check the
data in the "AIRDENSC_F" PID. For CSP
to work correctly the "AIRDENSC_F"
PID must be in 'Mode5, Normal Mode." If any other modes are active (e.g.
Protection Mode) then the ECM will not be using normal Altitude based tables, and
therefore will not using the CSP
Protection Mode is a direct result of tuning strategy or DPF regen states.
Pass-Thru Licence and Flash a Controller
Follow these steps to license and flash the selected controller.
1. Open the EFILive Scan and Tune application.
2. Connect your FlashScan/AutoCal to your PC and your vehicle.
3. Turn the vehicle ignition to the
position, (not the Accessory position.
Vehicle must not be cranked/running when flashing).
4. Select the [F3: Tune] option in the left-hand pane.
5. Click on the Open button and select the calibration file for the controller you
wish to flash or license.