Document ID: OMM-00148 Rev. B
9.0 EFI Pro 24f Sleep Mode/Shutdown Procedures
This chapter describes EFI Pro 24f Wide Format Printer sleep and shutdown procedures for the overnight, short term (1 - 3
days), and long term (4+ days). Those procedures are described in the sections that follow:
9.1 Overnight Sleep Mode
EFI recommends that sleep mode be used for overnight shutdown. Set the printer into sleep mode as follows:
1. Shuttle the carriage twice so that it sits over the table.
2. Clean the bulk of the ink in the drip pan with a lint
free wipe.
1 Up Arrow Raises Carriage
3. Use a lint free wipe with flush to finish cleaning
the tray and wiper.
4. Return the carriage to the home position.
5. Raise the carriage.
6. Wipe each head with a clean section of dry lint
free wipe.
7. Wipe the jet plate.
8. Lower the carriage.
9. Put the printer in sleep mode.