Document ID: OMM-00148 Rev. B
2.2 Hazards and Precautions
Hazards and Precautions are outlined in the following paragraphs.
2.2.1 UV Ink and Solvent Precautions
Observe the following precautions regarding the printer, ink, and related solvents.
• Uncured UV inks and cleaning solvents are flammable.
• Uncured UV inks and cleaning solvents can cause severe eye damage.
• Operator should
wear contact lenses when operating the printer with insufficient ventilation.
• Operator should wear safety glasses or a face shield.
• Operator should wear Nitrile gloves when flushing print heads, ink tubes, or when working with ink containers.
• UV Inks and solvent vapor can irritate the eyes, throat, and skin.
• The yellow triangle caution symbol represents potential for personnel injury or damage to the printer.
2.2.2 UV Light Hazards
UV light exposure is hazardous to eyes and skin. Please observe all safety precautions when operating printer.
Wear UV protective glasses when operating the printer.
• Avoid being too close to the UV lamps during printer operation.
• UV lamps must be off while completing maintenance tasks, especially when working in close proximity to the lamps.
The printer’s front door contains special glass and door flaps that filter out UV light during printing. All doors should be closed when printing to prevent
operator exposure to harmful UV light.
2.2.3 Ventilation
Proper ventilation - as described in the Site Preparation Specification - is required in the printer work area. Printer operators must
monitor printer settings to ensure that UV inks cure completely. Operators risk exposure to uncured UV ink and related vapors if cure
times are not accurately maintained. Follow these precautions:
• The ventilation system must be on in the printer work area to ensure adequate air circulation.
• Store inks and solvent in a proper cabinet designed for flammable liquid storage.
• Keep ink and solvent containers tightly closed at all times. If a container shows signs of damage or leakage repair or replace the
container immediately.
• Clean ink or solvent spillages as soon as possible.
• Only use dry powder or carbon dioxide types of fire extinguishers.
2.2.4 Storage of Combustible Materials
Inks and solvents should be clearly labeled and stored in an area designated for flammable liquids IAW local safety regulations.
• Ensure that one or more approved fire extinguishers are available near the storage area which are filled, and fully operational.
• Personnel should be trained in using fire extinguishers and techniques for extinguishing chemical fires. .