E F A P O W E R E V - H C - I N S T A L L A T I O N A N D U S E R M A N U A L
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In this scenario the chargers are always connected between each other and the PC.
A Network of EV-HCs as Satellites of a Central Unit
The EV-HC has the ability of behaving like a public satellite connected to a central unit. Just connect to the X2
terminal of the EV-HC the respective RS-485 cables of the satellites network. Is possible to have a network up to
25 satellite units.
In this solution, the RFID card reader is only located on the Central Unit, which also has GSM communications
with a back office. Each satellite (EV-HC) has its meter.
The actual satellites communicate between each other and with the central unit with a shielded communication
cable of at least 3 conductors, as represented in the following figure.
Figure 18 - Network of EV-HCs as Satellites of a Central Unit