XDS Insertion (XDS Module)
Extended Data Services (XDS) is an NTSC Field 2 data channel that provides information to viewers about the
program that is being aired. XDS is used to transmit FCC-mandated program ratings to allow viewer V-chip filtering.
XDS is a part of the CTA-608 standard for SD broadcasts, and should be included in the 608 compatibility bytes of
CTA-708 compliant HD broadcasts. XDS insertion is typically controlled through a serial connection to an
automation server and is compatible with Imagine/Harris, Snell, and EEG’s XDS Xpress solution.
XDS data packets can be loaded into the Encoder’s queue with one simple command, and be held for any specified
time period. Each individual packet type can be independently set for upstream or local priority, and permanent
packets can be stored in Non-Volatile Memory and inserted automatically whenever the Encoder is operating. A
List of XDS commands may be found in the Command Reference section of this manual.
Caption Decoder (Open Caption Display)
The unit’s built-in decoder allows for an open-captioned video output to be used for display or
monitoring purposes. When Decoder mode is enabled, the Aux Monitor Output will contain both open
captions (burned into the video) and closed captions, on a copy of the Main Video input. To enable the
decoder, navigate to Decoder > Decoder On via the front-panel LCD menu. Font, font size, and opacity
may also be controlled in the Decoder Settings section.
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