Each of the 10 memory locations in ESD-140 has 3 programmable test steps that may
be connected together to create a multi-step test sequence
. Press the “Step” soft key
to increment the test step number.
4.1.3 Results, Tests and System Selections
From the Main Menu
, press the “Menu” soft key.
From this screen, three software controls may be accessed: Results, Test and System.
Pressing the “Exit” soft key at any time will return you to the Main Menu screen.
Pressing the “Results” soft key from this menu will allow you to review the test results
of the last test performed.
Pressing the “Test” soft key from this menu will allow you to access the Parameter
Review screen. For specific instructions for reviewing and editing test parameters,
refer to section
4.3. Test Parameters
Pressing the “System” soft key from this menu will allow you to access the Setup
System screen. For specific instructions for editing system parameters, refer to
4.2. System Setup
4.2 System Setup
From the Perform Tests screen, press the “Menu” soft key. The Main Menu screen
will now be displayed.
2. From the Main Menu screen,
press the “Menu” soft key. Results, Test and System
selections will now be displayed.
From this screen, press the “System” soft key. The Setup System Menu will now
be displayed.
From the Setup System screen, fourteen different hardware and software controls
may be accessed: PLC Remote, Single Step, Alarm, Contrast, Results, Lock, Mem
Lock, Hipot Start, Cal-Alert, Cal Date, Cal Due, Alert, Date, and Time. Pressing the
“Exit” soft key at any time will save all parameters and return to the Perform Tests