Solution-8 Operators Manual
Electronics Design & Manufacturing
It should also be noted that for any code that has trailing zeros, the zeros need not be
entered when arming or disarming the system.
If your code is 2670 then you only need to enter 267 AWAY
to turn the system on and off.
The trailing zeros must however be entered whenever a special master code operation is
to be performed. The following operations require any trailing zeros to be entered.
Altering or Adding codes
To enter the CODE CHANGE mode, key in the current MASTER CODE followed by
the number '1' then AWAY.
You will hear three beeps and the AWAY indicator will flash fast at three pulses per
second to indicate a successful entry.
Now key in the user number that you wish to alter followed by AWAY button. You will
hear two beeps and the corresponding zone indicator will illuminate. User number nine
will be indicated by the FAULT indicator. If user five is being altered then zone
indicator number 5 will illuminate. If user thirteen is being altered then the FAULT and
Zone 4 indicators will illuminate
Fault indicator (9) + Zone 4 indicator (4) = 13.
Now proceed to key in your new code followed by AWAY button.
Three beeps will be heard, the AWAY indicator will extinguish and the system will
return to normal.
Output Codes
Output codes one and two are treated as user codes sixteen and seventeen
respectively. To alter output codes one or two follow the same procedure as