III-4-6. Wireless Statistics
This page shows the current wireless access list Click “Refresh” to update.
Number of connected wireless clients
MAC address
The channel bandwidth instead of wireless
connection rate.
Refresh the current wireless station list
III-5. Advanced Settings
Click “Advanced Settings” to enter the configure page, here you can configure
“URL Filtering”, “Virtual Server”, “DMZ”, “DDNZ”, “Remote Management”,
“WAN Ping”, “Static Routing” and “Routing Table”.
III-5-1. URL Filtering
This function sets URL filtering access. If you want to enable this function,
please activate the checkbox. Select one policy from the drop-down menu and
enter a policy name in the field. Of course, you can set the access restriction
in details (e.g. the fixed IP range, URL, times and days). Note: When time is
0:0~0:0, it express 24 hours. Click “Advanced Settings”, then “URL Filtering” to
configure this function.