The MAC address of the device's wireless interface.
The currently used channel by the router. Select an
effective channel of the wireless network. The
default is AutoSelect.
Channel Bandwidth
Select an appropriate channel bandwidth to
enhance the wireless performance. Select 20/40M
when the network has 11b/g/n to promote its
Extension Channel
The extension channel can either be "above" or
"below" the control channel, if you feel you are not
getting appropriate throughput, you may check
specific extension channels for improvements.
Tx Power
Set the power output of the wireless radio. You may
not require 100% output power. Setting a lower
power output can enhance security since potentially
malicious/unknown users in distant areas will not be
able to access your signal.
WMM Capable
WMM (Wi-Fi Multimedia) technology can improve
the performance of certain network applications,
such as audio/video streaming, network telephony
(VoIP) and others. When WMM is enabled, the
device will prioritize different kinds of data and give
higher priority to applications which require instant
responses for better performance.
APSD Capable
Automatic Power Save Delivery (APSD)
enable/Disable the use of auto power-saved service
It is advisable to only change the SSID (name of the network) and channel
and leave other items unchanged.
III-4-2. Wireless Security
The wireless security function can prevent others from connecting to your
wireless network and using the network resources without your consent.
Meanwhile, you can also block illegal users from intercepting or intruding
your wireless network. Click “Wireless”, Select “Wireless Security” and choose
security modes, Disable, WPA2 – Personal and Mixed WPA/WPA2 – Personal.