Address Reservation
This function allows you to learn whether there are unauthorized accesses by
viewing the client list. Also, you can specify a reserved IP address for a PC in
the LAN. That PC will always receive the same IP address each time when it
accesses the DHCP server. Reserved IP addresses could be assigned to servers
that require permanent IP settings.
Click “Network” and select “Address Reservation”. Enter the IP Address and
MAC Address. Click “Add” add to the DHCP list, click “Save” to save your
settings, then click “Refresh” to update the related DHCP client information.
III-4. Wireless
The “Wireless” menu allows you to configure SSID and security settings for
your Wi-Fi network along with a guest Wi-Fi network. Click “Wireless” to enter
the configure page , here you can configure “Wireless Settings”, “Wireless
Security”, “Multi SSID”, “WPS Settings”, “Wireless MAC Filtering”, “Wireless
III-4-1. Wireless Settings
Click “Wireless”, select “Basic Settings”. Then enable Wireless, select Network
Mode. Enter SSID name, select “Channel” and select “Channel BandWidth”.