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Dear Sir / Madam
Thank you for choosing one of our products.
Before using it, we would ask you to carefully read this data sheet, to achieve the best perfor-
mance and utmost safety when in use.
For further clari
cations or requirements, contact the DEALER where you bought the product or
visit our website www.edilkamin.com in the section TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTRES.
This documentation must be kept for identi
cation together with the receipt whose data should
be communicated if you request any information and made available in the event of maintenance
- the graphically and geometrically represented parts are approximate.
The author EDILKAMIN S.p.A. with its regis-
tered of
ce in Via Vincenzo Monti 47 - 20123
Milan - Tax Code/VAT No. 00192220192
Boiler, under the commercial brand
SERIAL NO. Ref. data plate
Declaration of Conformity
Declares that:
Boiler LAGUNA M complies with the require-
ments of the European Directives:
2014/35/EC- Low Voltage Directive
2014/80/EC- Electromagnetic Compatibility
EDILKAMIN S.p.A. cannot be held in any way
liable for the malfunctioning of the appliance
in the event of replacement, assembly and/
or changes made by staff who do not work for
EDILKAMIN without the author's authorisation.