Make sure your Windows folder is located on the “C” drive.
Only one USB Watch Drive is connected.
Make sure the DiskGO! Watch is in “Public Area” mode if the “Security” function is enabled.
If you want to make your device a bootable USB HDD, It cannot be set up in the “Security” mode.
Additionally, this option is only supported in Windows 98 SE.
Warning If you logged in to your DiskGO! Watch using the “Security Area” and run the BootUp
function, it will log you out and erase all the data in “Public Area”.
When you are ready to proceed, use the following procedure. The procedure for Windows XP is different
from Windows 98 and ME. This program does not run in Windows 2000.
Windows 98 SE and Windows ME:
Click the [Utility] tab in the UMSD manager window to open the BootUp utility.
The following window will appear.