SE-3&SE-300 Series Electrocardiograph User Manual Sampling and Printing ECG
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The ECG report includes:
3×4 ECG waves
ID, Current Date and time
Patient Information:
ID, Name, Age, Gender, Height, Weight, BP, Race, Department,
Exam Room, Medication
Measure Information:
Heart Rate
P wave duration: the average P-wave duration from several selected
dominant beats;
P-R interval: the average P-R interval from several selected dominant beats;
QRS complex duration: the average QRS complex duration from several
selected dominant beats;
Q-T interval: the average Q-T interval from several selected dominant beats /
Normalized QT interval;
P/QRS/T Dominant direction of the average integrated ECG vectors;
The maximum of the amplitude of R or R’ wave of one selected dominant
beat from lead V5 / The maximum absolute value of the amplitude of S or S’
wave of one selected dominant beat from lead V1;
Sum of RV5 and SV1;
The maximum of the amplitude of R or R’ wave of one selected dominant
beat from lead V6 / The maximum absolute value of the amplitude of S or S’
wave of one selected dominant beat from lead V2;
Average Template:
Average template shows the average value of 10s sampled ECG
signals of every lead.
The broken lines on the template are position markers. They
respectively mark the start and end points of the P and QRS waves,
and the end point of the T wave.
Diagnosis Information:
Diagnosis information shows the auto diagnosis result.
Report Confirmed by
Confirmed by the physician