Notice Ecotop - Page 3 - Pilatus PC-6 Turbo Porter 2.07m ARF
for your purchase of our semi-scale aircraft
Pilatus PC-6 Turbo Porter ARF !
We made a main effort while drawing and building this plane so that it is the best model you ever built and fly. We provide you a kit
with the highest quality and the best possible performances.
We wish you a great success while assembling and flying your new Pilatus PC-6 Turbo Porter ARF.
Often called the "Flying Jeep", the Pilatus PC-6 flew for the first time in 1959 and the early series were equipped with piston engines.
His rugged airframe will be later equipped with turboprop engines, initially with Turboméca Astazou 523 HP and then, on the most
famous version, with a Pratt & Whitney PT6A delivering 650 or 750 HP. This utility aircraft is best known for his use by skydiving
centers, were it may take 9-10 jumpers to 4000 m within 15 minutes and is able to be back to ground within 3 minutes only. It has been
used for a wide range of uses, cargo, STOL transport aircraft, water bomber or gunship .
The model offers the same capacity of short takeoffs and landings and is particularly handy and easy to fly. It flies like a big trainer.
The damped landing gear and tail wheel, fitted with wheels of large diameter, allows the use of rugged grass strips.
For this third version of the kit, we optimized the fuselage to make it easy to install either a gas engine or an electric motor. A hatch on
the nose provides easy access to the tank or to the battery packs.
PC-6 Turbo Porter ARF key features
Look and flying style of the genuine Turbo Porter are preserved.
The Turbo Porter ARF is covered with robust Oracover film, easy to repair if needed.
Flying is easy, the Turbo Porter is a big trainer !
Very large wheels and dampened landing gear make take off and landing easy on rugged grass field.
And of course… the model is delivered fully assembled and covered, you just have to make final assembly, install the radio system
and the motor.
The Turbo Porter ARF is a STOL aircraft, it may fly quite fast, but can also fly slowly thanks to the efficient flaps. It is also capable of
basic aerobatics.
Additional informations:
You can choose to fly with glow engine or with electric power.
If you choose electric power, the 6S 4000 mAh Lipo battery pack give a flight time of 10-12 minutes. To increase flight time, you
also can use 6S 5000 mAh batteries.
The semi-symetrical airfoil, the light wing loading, and efficient flaps make landing at low speed easy.
Please take a few moments to read this instruction manual before beginning assembly. Do an inventory of the parts using the parts
list, to control that there is no lack or imperfection.
Thank you to contact TOPMODEL immediately, if you note a missing part or a damaged part.
It is important to notify to TOPMODEL all damage or problems with this model within 7 days following the reception of the kit to be able
to benefit the warranty. In the event of return of the model, the customer is responsible for transport and return shipping cost is at his
expenses. In the event of defect, the part will be exchanged or replaced once this one will be delivered to TOPMODEL for expertise
(transport on your cost). In the event of problem, do not hesitate to contact TOPMODEL.
TOPMODEL cannot control the dexterity of the modeller and cannot influence the builder during the assembly or the use of this radio-
controlled model, thus TOPMODEL will in no way accept or assume responsibility or liability for damages resulting from the use of this
user assembled product.
The purchaser/user accepts all the responsibilities in the event of structural or
mechanical problems.