HIGH PRESSURE ALARM: Beeper advise when the pressure of the fluid in the circuit is too
high (20bar). The recovery operation is automatically interrupted.
FULL BOTTLE ALARM: Beeper advise when the bottle is filled to more than 80% of maximum
capacity (depending on machine model: 18kg for 22l bottle R134a or 10kg for 12l bottle
R1234yf). The RECOVERY operation is automatically interrupted (to cancel this alarm, charge
one or more A/C systems before recovering any more refrigerant).
EMPTY BOTTLE ALARM: Beeper advise when the quantity of refrigerant fluid contained in the
bottle is low (less than 2kg)
VACUUM PUMP OIL CHANGE: Beeper advise after 20 hours of work of the vacuum pump;
change the oil of the vacuum pump
SERVICE ALARM: Beeper advise whenever the total recovered refrigerant amounts to 100 kg.
To deactivate the alarm, replace the filters and the vacuum pump oil. A code for canceling the
alarm is supplied with the spare filters.