ECO Unity 84 Prentke Romich Co. March, 2009
Activity Rows
Punctuation, delete word, link to spell mode,
yes, maybe, no, all done, all gone
, and
speech on/off
What’s up? Hi. How are you? Fine. Nice meeting you. Take care of yourself. Good-bye.
Personal information:
My name is…, I live in…,
and a link to the YOU row with
questions about you.
Sounds = Volume, activation beeps, calculator, , IntelliTools row, remote controls, word
prediction on/off, number page options, spell page options.
Link to rows for classes in school. This row contains an answer row plus links to rows
for math, science, reading, art, history, language arts, social studies, geography, music,
and health. Quick access to education software rows for WYNN, TestTalker, and
Items for calendar or circle time; days of the week, months, weather, songs, Pledge of
Links to other activity rows of songs, games, and learning activities.
Jokes, other whole sentences in subcategories: speaking, communication repair,
medical needs, wants, friends, protests, questions, telling on, technology
Device MP3 player controls.
Contains tools for working in and managing notebooks.
Links to pages: Visual Scenes, Clock, Money, Numbers, IntelliTools, Phonics, Word
Families, Teaching Core, and ECO computer pages.
Contains ECO internal computer access tools. Keys to run Windows Word Pad,
Outlook, Internet Explorer, Solitaire, and Windows Media Player.