Copyright 1997 by Eclipse Combustion. All rights reserved worldwide.
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parties, without the express written consent of Eclipse Combustion.
In accordance with the manufacturer’s policy of continual product
improvement, the product presented in this brochure is subject to
change without notice or obligation.
The material in this manual is believed adequate for the intended use of
the product. If the product is used for purposes other than those
specified herein, confirmation of validity and suitability must be
obtained. Eclipse Combustion warrants that the product itself does not
infringe upon any United States patents. No further warranty is
expressed or implied.
We have made every effort to make this manual as accurate and
complete as possible. Should you find errors or omissions, please bring
them to our attention so that we may correct them. In this way, we
hope to improve our product documentation for the benefit of our
customers. Please send your corrections and comments to our
Marketing Communications Manager.
It must be understood that Eclipse Combustion’s liability for its
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Eclipse Combustion will not be liable for any other injury, loss, damage
or expenses, whether direct or consequential, including but not limited
to loss of use, income of, or damage to material arising in connection
with the sale, installation, use of, inability to use or the repair or
replacement of Eclipse Combustion’s products.
Eclipse Vortometric Burner v2.00, Installation Guide 248, 4/10/07